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A mythical creature in my Caldera artbook.
There are only 2 of these creatures, Male and Female.
In the story the female roams the sky, forever leaving sad rain clouds and frustrated thunderstorms in search for her beloved male companion. Her male companion had been cast from the sky hundreds of years ago it's remains fertilizing the the earth with a magical tree-sort, The Caldyra.

Born from one of these trees was a small creature. The male Skyworm reborn.

However, the magical Caldyra trees that have grown from the Skyworms energy have all been harvested by greedy humans. Leaving this small flying creature earth bound, forever out of reach of it's female companion.

The book's heroes Ninae, Borus and Fennek are in search of the last trees to hopefully restore it back to a forest. Their companion, being this baby Skyworm. They are not even aware of it's heritage! As their aim is to restore the Caldyra's magic back to human kind, not knowing they would help this creature in the process.

I hope you guys like it. This project is very dear to me :)

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1107x607px 561.34 KB
© 2013 - 2024 Suzanne-Helmigh
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skysoul25's avatar
awe I love Helmuzaa! She looks BEAUTIFUL!